I'm going in in four hours to be induced. We will get to meet Ainsley Grace today! We're so excited to see her, to hold her, to know what she looks like, to get to know her...However, it is a little bittersweet. I feel guilty even typing that. But as I was putting Asher down tonight, I was so sad. So here is a little note to him...my first baby...
My Dearest Asher,
I love you with all of my heart. There is not a place inside of me that does not LOVE you with indescribable feeling! You are my baby...my first baby...and you always will be! Daddy and I have LOVED having you as our only little boy for almost two years now. You're SO SPECIAL! You're so fun, so smart, so loving and cuddly. Tonight as I was holding you - for one of the last times before your little sister comes out into our lives - I was overwhelmed with emotion for you. I could not have ever imagined the kind of deep love that I have for you. God has given us SUCH a gift in you...and we wouldn't trade you for the WORLD!!! You are mine and Daddy's PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS boy!!! And that will never change! I wish I could bottle up the time that we've had together with you so far. I will cherish it FOREVER. It's been so special!!!
But it's time for a little change. You're going to be a big brother. And I know it will be great! Different, but even richer, I'm sure. I just can't imagine it yet. =) But soon...in a handful of hours, we will get to see your first reaction to your baby sister. And I think you're going to like her. I'm looking forward to holding you both at the same time...because you're my babies.
I love you with ALL of my heart Asher!
As I sit here in the hospital, you are giving birth to that sweet little girl even as I type this. I have tears in my eyes remembering the exact feelings that you were feeling last night as things change from having one baby to two. But I also have my 3rd baby snuggled up to me and my heart bursts with love for him... and his brother and sister. He is the proof of the way that a mother's heart expands with love for each and every child.
You are a wonderful mother to Asher, and I know you will be a great mommy to Ainsley.
I love you!
What a sweet post! I've been thinking of you all day. Hope that Ainsley made it here safely and you are all doing well. Much love!
What a sweet letter. I remember feeling the exact same way. It's just knowing that everything is changing... it's changing for good, but yet as a mom we feel like we're somehow cheating our firstborn. Now I see that the biggest gift I've ever given Caleb is a brother. There's nothing sweeter than sibling relationships- as you know very well with your 2 sisters and brother and all the in-laws. How lucky for Asher to have such solid parents who love him to the nth degree. Ainsley will be the greatest addition to the Waters clan. I'm so excited for you, Sara!
I had read your letter to Asher right after you wrote it, the day Ainsley was born. I think we were in the hospital waiting room anticipating her birth. By now you already know how how that Mother-love multiplies, don't you? It's a wonderful and inexpressible mystery I believe. Asher is blessed to have his first little sister. There will be challenges for sure, but I think Jenny's comment is so true... Ainsley will be one of the best gifts you will ever give to Asher.
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