Memorable Moments: December 6-14, 2009
(previously posted on facebook)
Dec. 6th:
*We've had Hallmark Christmas movies going all evening. I love them! And I got one whole gift wrapped today, but when into Asher's room to make sure his bed was ready for him to go night-night, I found a pile of little pieces of wrapping paper and an UNWRAPPED gift (the one I HAD wrapped). I don't think we're going to be able to put gifts under the tree until we're ready to open them. :(
Dec. 9th:
*Asher calls Loki (our new puppy) his "pal", because "Tuto (Pluto) is Mickey's pal." :)
Dec. 10th:
*Busy week! OKC on Monday to Christmas shop with no kids; kids and Beau to doctors on Tuesday - and grocery shopping; Wednesday - brought new puppy home, and I went to the doc, which means more time at Walmart waiting for prescription; Thursday took Loki to the vet for her first checkup; plus antibiotics for all, breathing treatments for both kids two times a day...
*My kids are cracking me up playing together!
Dec. 11th:
*Asher just said, "You are frustrated to me, Mom." I asked him why, and he said, "Because I don't want you to go on a birthday date." Too bad! Tomorrow, he and Ainsley are staying with our friend Dina, and Beau and I are going to a movie and lunch. Thank you Dina!!! :)
*Asher is holding a cup up to his ear, drumming on it with a straw, and said, "What's that sound?" Well, what do you think it is? Funny question. :) Ainsley is starting to fill things with other things - like wagons with sippy cups and cups with spoons. It's a cute stage.
*Silence. Aaaaaahhhhh... (naptime)
Dec. 13th:
*Ainsley is starting to push her doll stroller around by herself for the first time, which is super cute! But she's getting really upset when she runs into something, because she doesn't know how to turn it - which is NOT super cute. :)
*She's also trying to eat with a fork, but it's not really working. :)
*Low grade fevers for all. :(
*I'm thankful for the RICHNESS that I've been blessed with in my life - my husband, kids, parents, siblings, in-laws, extended family, dear friends. I've been given so many gifts in these people - YOU people!
*Today Asher was talking about the birds that are in the sky with God, and that he could hold the little ones, and I could hold the really big ones. It was pretty funny.
*I think I've decided that what I want just about more than anything is a person who is a professional organizer (like my friend Shannon has) to help me get on top of life. I feel like if I could just get "there" that I could do so much more in this life! It may sound rediculous, but I'm serious!
*This cracks me up. I just read a quote on my friend Brandon's wall: "Sarcasm is the humor of my generation. If that changes in future generations, I'm going to be the meanest grandfather ever." I thought my family would appreciate that! :)
Dec. 14th (My Birthday!):
*I was SO BLESSED by the gazillion well-wishes on facebook. Lots of friends and family helped to make the day super special with those and phone calls. And the kids and Beau gave me a LABEL-MAKER, which I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE!!!!! :)
*It was a bit of a rough first half of the day, since we all had fever and couldn't really go see friends or anything, but the day got better. I got a short nap in the afternoon. The kids and I went on a walk with Loki before it got TOOOO cold. Then Beau surprised me with red roses, chocolate covered cherries, sparkling cider, and a chocolate cake! He even took us to Chili's for dinner. Then we came home, and Asher helped me blow out my candles. It was a special day! :)
*Asher said, "I'm a mousketeer (aka Musketeer), as he was waving his wreath hanger (aka sword).
*Asher was disobeying, so I started counting, "1.2.3. Ok you're getting a spanking." He made a grabbing motion toward me and then threw the imaginary thing he grabbed into the air in the opposite direction. "I threw the three.", he said. Little rascal!
*We're watching Mary Poppins, and Ainsley LOVES it! IT'S SO CUTE!!!
*Asher usually says, "Forse" when he's trying to say "horse". But his Aunt Lee worked with him at Thanksgiving on saying, "H-h-Horse." He's still been saying it with an "f" sound for the most part, but yesterday he said, "Forse. I mean h-h-Horse." It was pretty cute! I told him his Aunt Lee would be proud. But, to be honest, I'll be a little sad when he says everything correctly. :)
That's it for now, folks. Until next time...
Oh! And new pics/videos from the last nine days or so:
P.S. I don't know why I wasn't able to align things on the left in this post. It annoys me, but oh well...:)